What is the South Queensland Renewable Generation Hub?
What is the Bungaban wind energy project?
How far have the projects progressed?
What is the approvals process like for these projects?
How can I have my say?
What steps are being taken to ensure community concerns are addressed?
How much land will the project take up?
How will the project connect to the transmission network?
Where does the energy go?
How will the wind turbines and equipment get to site?
Where will the project’s turbines and ancillary components be sourced?
Where will the workers come from?
How can local businesses get involved in the project?
Will there be a Community Benefit Fund?
Will Windlab be providing sponsorships and donations for community groups?
What benefits will Bungaban bring to the region?
What is the project's PPA and what does it mean?
How will Windlab manage any potential impacts from the project?
Will the project impact any listed plants or animals?
Will the project impact remnant native vegetation?
Will the project impact the productivity of existing agricultural operations?
Are wind farms noisy?
Isn’t renewable energy unreliable?
I’ve heard adding new renewable energy generation can make the transmission network less stable. Is this true?
What happens when Bungaban reaches the end of its operational life?
Why this location?
Who is Windlab?
Why wind?

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